Wednesday, March 29, 2017

New 15th Anniversary Art!

        Well! As you can see, Our beloved Nomura has revealed some savvy new art to commemorate the international release of 1.5+2.5 for the PS4! As per usual, the art is gorgeous, however, there are some rather interesting things to note about this new picture:

       The first, and most obvious observation, is the reference to previous pictures of our beloved Sora on a throne. His posture has remained similar throughout the years, featuring Sora with his legs crossed, his right hand supporting his cheek in a carefree manner, and a crown placed on his head. The only major differences seem to be that Sora is now in his KH3 outfit, rather than his KH1 clothes, and his smile is slightly more mischievous. I guess you could say that it's a subtle combination of his....*ahem* rather pissed disposition in picture one, and a more content expression in picture two.



      But of course, I wouldn't have made this post if I didn't have some speculations about this seemingly innocent art. What kind of speculations, you ask? Well, it's  no secret that the creative Nomura  will sometimes give his works bits of "extra" detail to baffle the observer, or give a hint of things to come, such as in the Unchained Key: 1st Anniversary sketch, in which he hinted at future involvement from BBS's  Ventus. He strategically placed Ventus next to Ephemera and Skuld, but to tease the fans even more, he very loosely sketched two other individuals, whom he later stated will have  relevance in Unchained Key's/ Union X's story.

        He's done the same in another Unchained-related drawing, in which he featured old Kingdom Hearts characters along with Ephemera and Skuld. Two of the characters, Riku and Kairi, were drawn with outfits unseen in the currently released games, which were later confirmed to be their upcoming KH3 garments. Its not quite as subtle as other hints, but the rest of their outfits (from the waist down) have yet too be seen, due to being cut off by the picture's small size. This was, without a doubt, also intentional.

         Now, lets take a look at the newest work once more:

       I think it's safe to say that this just may be Nomura's most baffling sketch yet. There's little bits of mystery woven all throughout this picture, starting with Sora's lap. If you look closely, you can see that there is an animal of some kind in his lap, the face of the animal is hidden by the giant "15th" but the pointed ears would suggest that it is a canine of some sort. Possibly a fox. If this is true, then it is most likely a reference to Vulpes, the animal of Foreteller Ava from KH Chi. If that weren't all, there is the background. If you look at the other throne pictures of the past , backgrounds or objects surrounding the thrones were very easy to make out and see, but in this picture, everything has been intentionally blurred, not by pencil, but by a program after the picture was drawn.  It's as if Nomura  intentionally wanted  to obscure the images...but why? Upon zooming in, the only images that can be slightly made out are the top left, which features the portrait of a person, and the bottom right, which features some kind of musical note. I can only guess that this drawing as a whole is somehow connecting Unchained Key/ Union X to KH3, but unless Nomura reveals the entire picture, I'm afraid it's just guesswork for now.

Stay Uncanny~

Friday, March 17, 2017

Kingdom Hearts Funko Pops!

         At long last!!  It seems that I have been fortunate enough to get my hands on some lovely little Funko Pops!!

        Kingdom Hearts inspired Funkos are what the world has been waiting for, yes? (=^-^=)  As of now, I only have two, Exclusive Donald from Hot Topic, and Exclusive Goofy from Gamestop. Donald was purchased for approx. $12.50 through the online Hot Topic store, however Goofy was purchased in person for approx. $11.99. I scanned the Funko shelves of my local Gamestop for a solid 30 minutes or so, until finally shimming up to the counter, and inquiring about Knight Goofy. Low and behold, his supply had been stashed away behind the counter. (I'm not sure why I didn't think of this sooner, honestly.) Anyhoo, from then on, I was able to purchase him without trouble.

        For my next Funko endeavor, I hope to complete the current Kingdom Hearts line. That means acquiring the Chip and Dale two-pack, Mickey, both regular and exclusive Pete, and  the regular Goofy and Donald. Walmart's Exclusive Funko Pete is currently on my wishlist, but he's been tricky to track doubt the work of an enemy St- I mean, Darkness! Yes, certainly Darkness.

        But, I digress! I'll get my hands on the rascals sure enough. To be entirely truthful, my dreams rest within the hope that someday, Funko will release the human components of the beloved Kingdom Hearts series. Oh! What I wouldn't do for a Master Xehanort...

Stay Uncanny~


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Can Darkness Grow a Heart? - Ansem's Fate in DDD

         This observation stems from the established lore of the "Black Coats" that are prevalent throughout the Kingdom Hearts series. It is stated that these coats help to protect the individuals who wear them from being overwhelmed (consumed) by the Darkness as they travel through it. Another fair, and smart element of the story, as we see many characters using these coats to their advantage....However, I can't help but cock my head curiously to the side when I see Darkness itself sporting this savvy garment at the end Dream Drop Distance:

        Everyone who is familiar with the KH series knows very well that Ansem is a Heartless: a Darkness-born creature that's given life when a human loses their Heart. If this is surely the case, why is he wearing one? What benefit could he possibly gain from wearing one? During his first debut into the game, and during his battle with Riku, he isn't wearing what changed?


        Mid-battle, a defiant Riku clearly calls out "You're part of my Heart now! Part of the Light!" I being conquered by Riku once and for all, could Ansem SoD have possibly.....grown a Heart of his own? Is that even possible for a Heartless to do? I suppose if Nobody's can regrow Hearts, then it's not entirely implausible is it?

        Or perhaps....the possessed, cloak-wearing Riku of Kingdom Hearts 2 snuck in among the 13 Darknesses without being noticed? If time travel is a factor, it's not entirely implausible....

Stay Uncanny~

Secrets in the Secret Place- Destiny Islands Ties to Union X?

        So as of this year, it's been announced that new extension for Kingdom Hearts: Unchained X is coming out soon, and that the game's name shall be changed to Union X [Cross]. There's also a teaser trailer that shows new information regarding the future of the Dandelions after the War. That can be seen here:

        Alright, so in this teaser, we see a flashback of MoM telling Forteller Ava that she has to choose five specific members of the Dandelions to be the new union leaders after the War is over. He also gives her a piece of paper that has all of these names written down, as well as one named circled. This person is to inherit the Book of Prophecies once MoM disappears. He said that this was top secret, and that bad things would happen if anyone except this chosen child saw the Book . Alright, sounds fair enough... but then I made this discovery in the "Secret Place" of Destiny Islands:

        SOMEONE has clearly drawn 5 figures, each with X's, save for one chosen figure who has a circle drawn above them. Seems strange to just be a coincidence doesn't it? I find it curious how this secret info just so happens to end up exactly where our Main Hero and Villain are from. What could it all really mean? I, The UncannyVillager hope to know the answer soon...

Stay Uncanny~