Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Uncanny Quickie: Will the Union X Gang Eventually Call the Twilight Mansion Home?

If the City of Daybreak is out of commission, it seems likely, doesn't it? Not to mention the Mansion has many rooms (some blocked off from access in KH2), and at least 5 chairs in the dining room.... Is it possible? Perhaps we will know soon!

Stay Uncanny~

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Introducing "Uncanny Quickies"!

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! The Uncanny Villager is back with another update for you all. Beginning today, I will start posting “Uncanny Quickies” which are observations, theories, or thoughts that are too brief to be relinquished into a full article. I will still continue to post articles that are of regular length, but in between those, we will have the occasional Quickie. ;) Thanks again for all your support!

Stay Uncanny~